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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Publicity fund
General City (GCT) CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE 2
§ 13-b. Publicity fund. Any city may establish a publicity fund of
such amount as the city council or other governing body may by
resolution direct, to be expended for the purpose of advertising the
advantages of such city as a winter and summer resort, or for the
commemoration programs of historical events, or otherwise, including the
necessary and legitimate expense of securing the designation of such
city as the place for holding the convention or meeting of any
organization or society, and for such other and additional purposes as
may tend to promote the general commercial and industrial welfare of the
city, and for that purpose may raise by taxation a sum not exceeding
twenty-five thousand dollars per annum to be assessed, levied and
collected in the same manner that other city taxes are assessed, levied
and collected. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, the city
council of any city may by local law establish a publicity fund in
excess of twenty-five thousand dollars per annum, as such local law
shall direct. Such local law shall be subject to a referendum on
petition. Such sum shall be raised by taxation and shall be assessed,
levied and collected in the same manner that other city taxes are
assessed, levied and collected. Provided, however, that if the city
council of any city with a population of fifty thousand or less
establishes, by local law, a publicity fund in excess of fifty thousand
dollars, such local law shall become operative only after it shall be
adopted after submission to the qualified voters of the city, and due
adoption thereof by a majority of the qualified voters of the city
voting thereon at a general election.