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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Expenses of meeting rooms for veterans' and other organizations
General City (GCT) CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE 2
§ 13-e. Expenses of meeting rooms for veterans' and other
organizations. Any city may appropriate and make available a sum of
money not exceeding five hundred dollars in any one year for each
chapter, post, camp or garrison, as the case may be, of the Grand Army
of the Republic, the United Spanish War Veterans, the Veterans of
Foreign Wars, the American Legion, the Disabled American Veterans, the
Military Order of the Purple Heart, Inc., the Army and Navy Union of the
United States, the Marine Corps League, AMVETS, American Veterans of
World War II, the Italian American War Veterans of the United States,
Incorporated, Veterans of World War I of the United States of America
Department of New York, Inc., Polish-American Veterans of World War II,
Amsterdam, N. Y., Inc., Polish-American Veterans of World War II,
Schenectady, N. Y., Inc., Polish Legion of American Veterans, Inc., the
Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Inc., the Catholic War
Veterans, Inc., Masonic War Veterans of the State of New York, Inc., the
American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., Regular Veterans Association, Inc.,
the Viet Nam Veterans of America, the Eastern Paralyzed Veterans
Association, the 369th Veterans Association, Inc., the Tri-County
Council of Vietnam Veterans, the National Congress of Puerto Rican
Veterans, the Navy Seabee Veterans of America, the Korean War Veterans
Association, the Women's Army Corps Veterans Association, or the Navy
Club of the U.S.A., located within its boundaries, for the purpose of
assisting in defraying the rental or maintenance expenses, or both, of
rooms for the holding of meetings of any such post, camp, garrison or
chapter. All sums hereby authorized to be expended shall be
appropriated, raised and expended, in the same manner as moneys for
other municipal expenses in the city are appropriated, raised and