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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Contract to provide for reduction of price
General City (GCT) CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE 9
§ 132. Contract to provide for reduction of price. Every such contract
shall also provide and require that during the term therein specified
the corporation party thereto may and shall supply gas to the
inhabitants of such city at prices lower than those now or then charged
therein by such corporation party thereto and progressively lower for
each year of such term; any company or corporation bidding for such
contract shall specify such several prices and reductions of price for
the several classes and terms of gas supply, and the same shall be
considered in the award of any such contract to the bidders or bidder
therefor, and the corporation receiving any such contract shall be
entitled to charge and collect the prices therein specified during the
continuance thereof. Nothing in this article contained is intended or
shall be construed to affect or impair any existing right or contract
except with the consent of the parties to any such contract.