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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Information statement for employee
General City (GCT) CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE 2-D, PART 1-6, PART 4
§ 52. Information statement for employee.-- Every employer required to
deduct and withhold tax under this local law from the wages of an
employee, or who would have been required so to deduct and withhold tax
if the employee had claimed no more than one withholding exemption,
shall furnish to each such employee in respect of the wages paid by such
employer to such employee during the calendar year on or before February
fifteenth of the succeeding year, or, if his employment is terminated
before the close of such calendar year, within thirty days from the date
on which the last payment of the wages is made, a written statement as
prescribed by the administrator showing the amount of wages paid by the
employer to the employee, the amount deducted and withheld as tax, and
such other information as the administrator shall prescribe.