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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Employer's liability for withheld taxes
General City (GCT) CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE 2-D, PART 1-6, PART 4
§ 55. Employer's liability for withheld taxes.-- Every employer
required to deduct and withhold tax under this local law is hereby made
liable for such tax. For purposes of assessment and collection, any
amount required to be withheld and paid over to the administrator, and
any additions to tax, penalties and interest with respect thereto, shall
be considered the tax of the employer. Any amount of tax actually
deducted and withheld under this local law shall be held to be a special
fund in trust for the city. No employee shall have any right of action
against his employer in respect to any moneys deducted and withheld from
his wages and paid over to the administrator in compliance or in
intended compliance with this local law.