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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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When police matrons to reside at station houses
General City (GCT) CHAPTER 21, ARTICLE 6
§ 93. When police matrons to reside at station houses. When only one
police matron is attached to a police station, she shall reside there,
or within a reasonable distance therefrom, and shall hold herself in
readiness to respond to any call therefrom at any hour of the day or
night, and each matron shall, during such hours as may be fixed by the
head of the police department, remain in such station and hold herself
in readiness to respond to any call therefrom. So long as any woman is
detained or held under arrest in a police station to which a police
matron is attached, it shall be the duty of such matron to remain
constantly thereat, ready for service; or if there be more than one
matron attached to such station, then one of them shall be constantly
ready for service. A police matron shall, subject to the officer in
charge of such station house, have the immediate care and charge of all
women held under arrest in the station to which she is attached, and she
may at any time call upon the officer in charge of such station for
assistance. She shall be subject to the authority of the board of
police, or if there be no such board, then to the chief of police in the
city where she may be appointed, and to the rules prescribed by such
authority, but at a station where she may be on duty she shall be
subject only to the authority of the officer in charge thereof.