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General Municipal

Laws 1909, Chap. 29.

AN ACT relating to municipal corporations, constituting chapter

twenty-four of the consolidated laws.
Became a law February 17, 1909, with the approval of the Governor.

Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:


Article 1. Short title; definitions (§§ 1-2).

2. General municipal finances (§§ 3-24).

3. Report of financial condition (§§ 30-39).

3-A. Cooperative investments (§§ 42-45).

4. Negligence and malfeasance of public officers;

taxpayers' remedies (§§ 50-53).

5. Powers, limitations and liabilities (§§ 70--99-z).

5-A. Public contracts (§§ 100--109-d).

5-B. Common water supplies (§§ 110-117).

5-C. Water supply (§§ 118--118-c).

5-D. Sewage disposal (§§ 119--119-b).

5-E. Drainage (§§ 119-c--119-e).

5-F. Common drainage facilities (§§ 119-f--119-l).

5-G. Municipal cooperation (§§ 119-m--119-ooo).

5-H. Projects relating to the use of atmospheric water

resources (§ 119-p).

5-I. Mass transportation and airport and aviation facilities

(§§ 119-q--119-t).

5-J. Intermunicipal cooperation; shared services (§ 119-u).

5-K. Historic preservation (§§ 119-aa--119-dd).

5-L. Municipal sustainable energy loan program (§§


6. Public health and safety (§§ 120--139-e).

7. Trusts for parks and libraries in villages and towns

(§§ 140-146).

7-A. Burial of veterans and their families (§§ 148-149).

8. Cemeteries (§§ 160-166).

9. Regulation of use of bicycles and similar vehicles

(§§ 180-181).

9-A. Local option for conduct of games of chance by certain

organizations (§§ 185--195-r).

10. Firemen and policemen (§§ 200--209-z).

11. Acquisition of lands by the United States (§§ 210-212).

11-A. Service award programs (§§ 214--219-a).

11-AA. Service award programs for volunteer ambulance workers

(§§ 219-b--219-i).

11-AAA. Defined benefit service award program for volunteer

ambulance workers (§§ 219-j--219-p).

11-AAAA. Supplemental service awards for volunteer ambulance

workers and firefighters (§§ 219-q--219-t).

12-a. City and village planning commissions (§§ 234--239-a).

12-B. County planning boards and regional planning councils

(§§ 239-b--239-nn).

12-C. Intergovernmental Relations Councils (§ 239-n*2).

12-D. Commissions on human rights (§§ 239-o--239-t).

12-E. Narcotic guidance council (§ 239-u).

12-F. Conservation advisory councils and conservation boards

(§§ 239-x--239-y).

12-G. Landlord-tenant relations council (§ 239-z).

12-H. Councils on the disabled (§ 239-aa).

12-I. County-wide shared services panels (§ 239-bb).

13. Playgrounds and neighborhood recreation centers

(§§ 240-247).

13-A. Lost and found property (§§ 250-251).

13-B. Picnic parks and/or roadside rest areas (§ 275).

13-BB. Adopt-a-municipal park, shoreline or roadway programs

(§ 277).

13-C. Establishment or extension of residential or

recreational areas in the Lake George park (§§


13-D. Community facilities and programs for the elderly

(§§ 290-292).

13-E. Municial websites (§ 300).

14. Airports and landing fields (§§ 350-357).

14-A. Gas and electric service (§§ 360-366).

14-AA. School district exploration for natural gas fields

(§ 368).

14-B. Traffic violations bureaus (§§ 370--374-b).

14-BB. Bureaus of administrative adjudication (§§ 380-387).

14-C. Revenue-producing undertakings (§§ 400-416).

14-D. Jails. (§§ 430-431).

14-E. Display of flag at public meetings (§ 440).

14-EE. Display of flag on uniforms. (§ 445).

14-F. Sewer rent law (§§ 450-454).

14-G. Interlocal agreements with governmental units of other

states (§§ 460-473).

14-H. Local option for conduct of bingo by certain

organizations (§§ 475-499).

15. Urban renewal (§§ 500-525).

XV-A. Municipal urban renewal agencies, organization and

powers (§§ 550-563).

XV-B. Municipal urban renewal agencies, created

(§§ 570--680-d).

15-C. Grievance procedure for municipal employees

(§§ 681-685).

16. Urban development action area act (§§ 690-698).

16-A. Long Island workforce housing act (§§ 699--699-c).

17. Municipal annexation law (§§ 700-719).

17-A. Consolidation and dissolution of local government (§§


18. Conflicts of interest of municipal officers and

employees (§§ 800-812).

18-A. Industrial development (§§ 850-928).

18-B. New York state empire zones (§§ 955-969)

18-C. Municipal redevelopment law (§§ 970-a--970-r).

19. Foreign trade zone authority (§ 975).

19-A. Business improvement districts (§ 980--980-q)

19-B Municipal theme districts (§§ 990--990-g)

20. Laws repealed; when to take effect (§§ 1000-1001).