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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Construction of act of reconsolidation
General Obligations (GOB) CHAPTER 24-A, ARTICLE 1, TITLE 2
§ 1-201. Construction of act of reconsolidation. 1. This chapter shall
be construed as a continuation and re-enactment of the provisions
repealed by article nineteen hereof as such provisions existed on
December thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-two.

2. The repeal by this chapter of provisions specified in article
nineteen hereof and the enactment of this chapter shall not affect any
action or proceeding pending under any such provision at the time this
chapter shall take effect.

3. Any act of the legislature of the year nineteen hundred sixty-three
or nineteen hundred sixty-four which in form amends or repeals or
purports to amend or repeal any provision or provisions repealed by
article nineteen of this chapter shall be legally effective
notwithstanding the repeal of such provision or provisions and shall be
construed as an amendment or repeal, as the case may be, of the
corresponding provision or provisions of this chapter, and such
corresponding provisions shall be construed to be amended, modified,
changed or repealed as though they had been expressly and in terms so
amended or repealed.

4. Reference by any law, general or special, in force on December
thirty-first, nineteen hundred sixty-two, or in any act of the
legislature of the year nineteen hundred sixty-three or nineteen hundred
sixty-four, to a provision repealed by article nineteen of this chapter,
as in force immediately before the time this chapter shall take effect,
shall be construed to refer to the corresponding provision of this