Automatic renewal provision of contract for service, maintenance or repair unenforceable by contractor unless notice thereof given to rec...
General Obligations (GOB) CHAPTER 24-A, ARTICLE 5, TITLE 9
§ 5-903. Automatic renewal provision of contract for service,
maintenance or repair unenforceable by contractor unless notice thereof
given to recipient of services. 1. As used in this section, "person"
means an individual, firm, company, partnership or corporation.
2. No provision of a contract for service, maintenance or repair to or
for any real or personal property which states that the term of the
contract shall be deemed renewed for a specified additional period
unless the person receiving the service, maintenance or repair gives
notice to the person furnishing such contract service, maintenance or
repair of his intention to terminate the contract at the expiration of
such term, shall be enforceable against the person receiving the
service, maintenance or repair, unless the person furnishing the
service, maintenance or repair, at least fifteen days and not more than
thirty days previous to the time specified for serving such notice upon
him, shall give to the person receiving the service, maintenance or
repair written notice, served personally or by certified mail, calling
the attention of that person to the existence of such provision in the
3. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply to a contract
in which the automatic renewal period specified is one month or less.
maintenance or repair unenforceable by contractor unless notice thereof
given to recipient of services. 1. As used in this section, "person"
means an individual, firm, company, partnership or corporation.
2. No provision of a contract for service, maintenance or repair to or
for any real or personal property which states that the term of the
contract shall be deemed renewed for a specified additional period
unless the person receiving the service, maintenance or repair gives
notice to the person furnishing such contract service, maintenance or
repair of his intention to terminate the contract at the expiration of
such term, shall be enforceable against the person receiving the
service, maintenance or repair, unless the person furnishing the
service, maintenance or repair, at least fifteen days and not more than
thirty days previous to the time specified for serving such notice upon
him, shall give to the person receiving the service, maintenance or
repair written notice, served personally or by certified mail, calling
the attention of that person to the existence of such provision in the
3. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to apply to a contract
in which the automatic renewal period specified is one month or less.