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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Provision of funds for bridge and highway purposes
Highway (HAY) CHAPTER 25, ARTICLE 10
§ 274. Provision of funds for bridge and highway purposes. Nothing
contained in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the provision by
a town, pursuant to the local finance law, in whole or in part, of funds
to be expended for the following purposes:

1. Constructing, building, repairing or discontinuing any highway or
bridge therein, or upon its borders.

2. Repairing or rebuilding any highway or bridge or board walk, or
renewal thereof, on any highway less than two rods in width, which shall
at any time be damaged or destroyed by the elements or otherwise, or
become unsafe for public use and travel.

3. Repairing or rebuilding any bridge which has been condemned by the
commissioner of transportation, as provided in this chapter.

4. The purchase of snow fences or other structures to prevent drifting
of snow on the highways.

If the highway or bridge, proposed to be constructed, built, repaired
or discontinued, is situated in two or more towns in the same county,
the board of supervisors shall, if application be made by any one of
such towns, apportion the expense thereof among such towns, in such
proportion as shall be just.