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This entry was published on 2022-11-18
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Portion of state highway system to be designated as "New York Medal of Honor Highway"
Highway (HAY) CHAPTER 25, ARTICLE 12
* § 344-n. Portion of state highway system to be designated as "New
York Medal of Honor Highway". All that portion of United States route
twenty beginning at its beginning at the New York-Pennsylvania border
and continuing easterly across New York state until the western border
of the village of Fredonia, county of Chautauqua, then continuing
easterly from the eastern border of the village of Fredonia, county of
Chautauqua to the community of Irving, where route five and route twenty
merge with Old Lake Shore road shall be designated and known as the "New
York Medal of Honor Highway".

* NB There are 26 § 344-n's