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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Appeals to council of Seneca nation
§ 50. Appeals to council of Seneca nation. Within twenty days after
the decision of a peacemakers' court of the Seneca nation, an appeal may
be taken to the council of such nation, by serving upon the adverse
party and upon the peacemakers before whom the action or proceeding was
heard a notice of such appeal. The peacemakers shall certify the
evidence taken before them to the council. The appeal shall be heard by
at least a quorum of the council, and shall be decided upon the evidence
taken in the peacemakers' court, and such additional evidence as the
council may determine to hear. Upon the hearing any party shall have the
right to appear either in person or by counsel and argue the merits of
the case. The decision of the council shall be conclusive.