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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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ARTICLE 1. General provisions. (§§ 101-111-a)

2. Organization of the department of financial services. (§§


3. Administrative and procedural provisions. (§§ 301-343)

4. Insurance frauds prevention. (§§ 401-411)

5. Certificates of insurance. (§§ 501-505)

11. Licensing of insurers. (§§ 1101-1124*2)

12. Organization and corporate procedure. (§§ 1201-1221)

13. Assets and deposits. (§§ 1301-1325)

14. Investments. (§§ 1401-1415)

15. Holding companies. (§§ 1501-1511)

16. Subsidiaries of domestic property/casualty insurance

companies and certain other entities. (§§ 1601-1614)

17. Subsidiaries of domestic life insurance companies and

certain other entities. (§§ 1701-1718)

21. Agents, brokers, adjusters, consultants and intermediaries.

(§§ 2101-2140)

22. Certification of employees of insurers and savings banks

offering life insurance. (§§ 2201-2209)

23. Property/casualty insurance rates. (§§ 2301-2353)

24. Unfair methods of competition and unfair and deceptive acts

and practices. (§§ 2401-2409)

25. Prohibitions against controlled business. (§§ 2502-2505)

26. Unfair claim settlement practices; other misconduct;

discrimination. (§§ 2601-2618)

27. Holocaust victims insurance act of 1998. (§§ 2701-2711)

28. Use of credit information. (§§ 2801-2809)

29. Pharmacy benefit managers. (§§ 2901-2914)

31. Insurance contracts - general. (§§ 3101-3113)

32. Insurance contracts - life, accident and health, annuities.

(§§ 3201-3245)

34. Insurance contracts - property/casualty. (§§ 3401-3462)

41. Property/casualty insurance companies. (§§ 4101-4121)

42. Life insurance companies and accident and health insurance

companies and legal services insurance companies.

(§§ 4202-4241)

43. Non-profit medical and dental indemnity, or health and

hospital service corporations. (§§ 4301-4330)

44. Employee welfare funds. (§§ 4401-4414)

45. Fraternal benefit societies. (§§ 4501-4530)

46. Retirement systems. (§§ 4601-4608)

47. Municipal cooperative health benefit plans. (§§ 4701-4714)

48. Managed care health insurance contracts. (§§ 4801-4806)

49. Utilization review and external appeal. (§§ 4900-4917)

51. Comprehensive motor vehicle insurance reparations.

(§§ 5101-5109)

52. Motor vehicle accident indemnification corporation.

(§§ 5201-5225)

53. Motor vehicle insurance assigned risk plans. (§§ 5301-5304)

54. New York property insurance underwriting association.

(§§ 5401-5412)

55. Medical malpractice insurance association.

(§§ 5501--5517-a)

56. Health care arbitrations. (§§ 5601-5605)

59. Risk retention groups and purchasing groups. (§§ 5901-5913)

61. Reciprocal insurers and Lloyds underwriters. (§§ 6101-6116)

62. New York insurance exchange. (§§ 6201-6203)

63. Special risks; filing exemption. (§§ 6301-6304)

64. Title insurance corporations. (§§ 6401-6411)

65. Mortgage guaranty insurance companies. (§§ 6501-6508)

66. Co-operative property/casualty insurance companies.

(§§ 6601-6626)

67. Nonprofit property/casualty insurance companies.

(§§ 6701-6708)

68. Bail bonds. (§§ 6801-6805)

69. Financial guaranty insurance corporations. (§§ 6901-6909)

70. Captive insurance companies. (§§ 7001-7012)

71. Merger, consolidation, redomestication, acquisition of

assets and acquisition of certain shares of insurers.

(§§ 7101-7121)

72. Domestication of the United States branch of an alien

insurer. (§§ 7201-7205)

73. Conversion to different type of insurer. (§§ 7301-7317)

74. Rehabilitation, liquidation, conservation and dissolution

of insurers. (§§ 7401-7437)

75. Life insurance guaranty fund. (§§ 7501-7507)

76. Property/casualty security funds. (§§ 7601-7614)

77. The life insurance company guaranty corporation of New York

act. (§§ 7701-7720)

78. Viatical settlements. (§§ 7801-7820)

79. Service contracts. (§§ 7901-7913)

80. Mutual holding company. (§§ 8001-8021)

91. Taxes and fees. (§§ 9101--9111-c)

99. Time of taking effect. (§ 9901)