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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Forfeiture of office by director or trustee of a domestic mutual insurer
Insurance (ISC) CHAPTER 28, ARTICLE 12
§ 1215. Forfeiture of office by director or trustee of a domestic
mutual insurer. The office of a trustee or director of any domestic
mutual insurer shall immediately become vacant whenever he fails to
attend at least one regular meeting of the board of trustees or
directors in any period of eighteen consecutive months, or unless
excused by the board, which action shall be entered on the minutes, it
shall appear at the end of any calendar year that he failed to attend at
least one-half of such regular meetings held in such calendar year. A
trustee or director whose office becomes so vacant shall not be eligible
for election to such office until one year has elapsed from the date the
vacancy occurred.