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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Reports of fire losses; availability of information
Insurance (ISC) CHAPTER 28, ARTICLE 3
§ 318. Reports of fire losses; availability of information. (a)
Insurers shall report all fire losses in excess of five hundred dollars
or such larger amount as prescribed by the superintendent, arising under
policies covering property located in this state to a central
organization engaged in property loss registration, as designated by the
superintendent, in accordance with regulations promulgated by the

(b) The information contained in such reports shall, in accordance
with such regulations, be available to law enforcement agencies, to tax
districts which have, pursuant to the provisions of section twenty-two
of the general municipal law, filed with the superintendent a notice of
intention to claim against the proceeds of a policy of fire insurance,
to the office of fire prevention and control and to appropriate
governmental agencies charged with the responsibility for demolition of