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Public health law assessments
Insurance (ISC) CHAPTER 28, ARTICLE 32
§ 3236. Public health law assessments. Any insurer licensed pursuant
to this chapter and any health maintenance organization certified
pursuant to article forty-four of the public health law or licensed
pursuant to this chapter shall reflect the methodology for financing the
costs of graduate medical education in general hospitals and affiliated
sites, uncompensated care in general hospitals and diagnostic and
treatment centers, and other publicly financed programs established
pursuant to sections twenty-eight hundred seven-j, twenty-eight hundred
seven-k, twenty-eight hundred seven-l, twenty-eight hundred seven-m,
twenty-eight hundred seven-p, twenty-eight hundred seven-s and
twenty-eight hundred seven-t of the public health law for hospital and
other health care services provided on and after January first, nineteen
hundred ninety-seven in policies and contracts which provide
reimbursement for, and in arrangements reflecting anticipated claims
costs for, any of the following services:

(a) inpatient hospital services provided by a general hospital issued
an operating certificate pursuant to article twenty-eight of the public
health law;

(b) outpatient hospital services provided by a general hospital issued
an operating certificate pursuant to article twenty-eight of the public
health law;

(c) emergency services provided by a general hospital issued an
operating certificate pursuant to article twenty-eight of the public
health law;

(d) ambulatory surgical services provided by a general hospital issued
an operating certificate pursuant to article twenty-eight of the public
health law;

(e) ambulatory surgical services provided by a diagnostic and
treatment center issued an operating certificate pursuant to article
twenty-eight of the public health law;

(f) health care services provided by a diagnostic and treatment center
issued an operating certificate pursuant to article twenty-eight of the
public health law;

(g) clinical laboratory services provided by a clinical laboratory
issued a permit pursuant to title five of article five of the public
health law.