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Insurance Contracts-property/casualty
Insurance (ISC) CHAPTER 28

Section 3401. Insurable interest in property.

3402. Executory contract not a change in interest, title or


3403. Anti-arson application.

3404. Fire insurance contracts; standard policy provisions;

permissible variations.

3405. Fire insurance contract; losses from nuclear reaction or


3406. Copy of examination of insured to be delivered to


3407. Property insurance; proofs of loss; notice of loss.

3407-a. Property/casualty insurance contract and policy standard


3408. Fire insurance; appraisal of loss; procedure for

selection of umpire on failure to agree.

3409. Distribution of hazardous material report forms.

3410. Fire insurance contract; payment of liens on proceeds;

certain cases.

3411. Automobile physical damage insurance covering private

passenger automobiles; standard provisions; required

inspections; duties of insurers and insureds.

3412. Automobile physical damage insurance covering private

passenger automobiles; salvage; total losses; thefts;

duties of insurers.

3413. Standard claim forms for fire losses.

3414. Reports by insurers of certain casualty loss on property

owned or operated by religious organizations.

3415. Supplemental claim form to be submitted for certain fire

loss claims in excess of ten thousand dollars in a

city with a population of one million or more persons.

3416. Parametric insurance.

3420. Liability insurance; standard provisions; right of

injured person.

3421. Homeowners' liability insurance; dogs.

3422. Hate crimes; coverage refusal.

3425. Certain property/casualty insurance policies;

cancellation and renewal provisions; agents' contracts

and brokers' accounts.

3426. Commercial lines insurance; cancellation and renewal


3427. Gap insurance; cancellation, renewal and other


3428. Cancellation of insurance contracts; return premiums;

financed insurance premiums.

3429. Geographical location of risks; fire, fire and extended

coverage policies; private passenger automobile

insurance policies.

3429-a. Geographical location of risks in area serviced by a

volunteer fire department; fire, fire and extended

coverage policies.

3430. Right of insured, agent or broker aggrieved on basis of

geographical location of property or risks.

3431. Immunity; insurers' reports to insureds, to applicants

for insurance and to terminated agents or brokers.

3432. Immunity; reports to certain public officials and to

designated organizations.

3433. Termination of contracts or accounts of licensed agents

or brokers; prohibition; geographical location.

3434. Motor vehicle insurance policies; disabled persons;

prohibitions against cancelling, refusing to issue or

renew policies.

3435. Group property/casualty insurance.

3435-a. Motor vehicle insurance policies; New York state

licensed drivers; prohibitions against refusing to

issue policies or renew policies.

3436. Medical malpractice insurance; type of coverage.

3436*2. Group credit unemployment insurance and individual

credit unemployment insurance.

3436-a. Adverse action against legal reproductive health care or

gender-affirming care.

3439. Reinsurance contracts excepted.

3440. Insurance covering private passenger motor vehicles;

rental vehicle coverage.

3442. Credit card, debit card, or checking account group


3443. Workers' compensation and employers' liability

insurance; optional policyholder deductibles.

3444. Flood insurance notice.

3445. Windstorm insurance notice; deductible trigger


3446. Product or system group insurance policies.

3447. Qualification of environmental remediation insurance for

tax credit.

3448. Involuntary unemployment insurance policies.

3449. Wireless communications equipment insurance policies.

3450. Insurance for expenses incurred as a result of an act or

threatened act of violence.

3451. Identity theft group insurance policies.

3451*2. Regulations.

3452. Group property travel insurance policies.

3453. Group policy for service providers listed in a

commercial directory.

3453*2. Self-service storage company group insurance policies.

3453*3. Employer sponsored group personal excess insurance.

3454. Sponsored group personal insurance.

3455. Transportation network company group insurance policies.

3456. Prohibition against cancellation of policy when motor

vehicle is used or operated through a transportation

network company program.

3457. Group insurance policies for certain for hire motor


3458. Electronic notices and documents.

3458*2. Group insurance for peer-to-peer car sharing programs.

3459. Car share exclusions for personal motor vehicle

liability insurance policies.

3460. Prohibition against cancellation of policy when motor

vehicle is used or operated through a peer-to-peer car

sharing program.

3461. Notice of claim.

3462. Affordable housing underwriting and rating.