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Laws 1909, Chap. 35.
AN ACT in relation to the administration of justice, constituting

chapter thirty of the consolidated laws.
Became a law February 17, 1909, with the approval of the Governor.

Passed, three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:


Article 1. Short title (§§ 1--1-a).

2. General provisions relating to courts and judges

(§§ 2--39-b).

2-A. State commission on judicial conduct (§§ 40-48).

3. Court of appeals (§§ 51-60).

3-A. Commission on judicial nomination. (§§ 61-68).

4. Appellate division (§§ 70-109).

4-a. Official referees (§§ 114-125).

5. Supreme court (§§ 140-174).

5-A. The city court of the city of New York (§§ 176-177).

5-B. Special narcotics parts of the supreme court in cities

with a population of one million or more

(§§ 177-a--177-d).

6. The surrogates' courts (§§ 179-181).

6-A. County judges, surrogates and certain district attorneys

(§§ 182-188).

7. County court (§§ 190-208).

7-A. Judicial administration (§§ 210--219-e).

7-B. Compensation of judges and justices of the unified court

system (§§ 220-224).

7-C. Of the court for the trial of impeachments (§§ 240-248).

7-D. Internal control responsibilities of the judiciary

(§§ 249--249-c).

8. Clerks (§§ 250-283).

9. Stenographers (§§ 290-320).

10-A. Grand jury stenographers (§§ 321-330).

10. Attendants, officers and messengers (§§ 340-352).

11. Criers (§§ 360-364).

12. Interpreters (§§ 380-391).

13. Sheriffs and constables (§§ 400--411-b).

13-A. Judicial proceedings for the removal of public officers by

impeachment (§§ 415-428).

14. Law reporting (§§ 430-438).

15. Attorneys and counsellors (§§ 460-499).

15-A. State commission on prosecutorial conduct (§§


16. Selection of jurors (§§ 500-528).

19. Contempts (§§ 750-781).

20. Collection of fines (§§ 790-796).

20-A. Remission of fines and forfeitures (§§ 798--799-a).

21. Court libraries (§§ 810-815).

21-A. Community dispute resolution centers program

(§§ 849-a--849-g).

21-B. Justice court assistance program (§§ 849-h--849-k).

21-C. Court-appointed special advocates program (§§


22. Judicial hearing officers (§§ 850-854).

22-A. Judicial wellness or assistance committees (§ 857).

22-B. Hope card act (§ 858).

22-C. New York state judicial security act (§ 859).

23. Laws repealed; when to take effect (§§ 860-861).