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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Power of justices of appellate division of first department to appoint confidential clerk of the appellate term
Judiciary (JUD) CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE 4
§ 100. Power of justices of appellate division of first department to
appoint confidential clerk of the appellate term. The justices of the
appellate division of the supreme court in the first department, or a
majority of them, are authorized to appoint in their discretion, and at
pleasure remove, a confidential clerk of the appellate term of the said
supreme court, or such tribunal as may hereafter be charged with the
duty of hearing appeals from the city court of the city of New York and
the municipal court of the city of New York, or either of them in the
first department, and fix the salary of said confidential clerk. The
board of estimate of the city of New York is authorized and empowered to
provide the means to pay such salary.