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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Appointment of temporary stenographer where official stenographer fails to attend term
Judiciary (JUD) CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE 5
§ 160. Appointment of temporary stenographer where official
stenographer fails to attend term. If an official stenographer shall
not be in attendance at a trial term of the supreme court, or a special
term of the supreme court where issues of fact are triable, the justice
presiding at the term may, in his discretion, employ a stenographer who
shall be paid such compensation as the justice shall by his certificate
fix, not to exceed thirty dollars for each day's attendance, and ten
cents for each mile for travel to and from his residence to the place
where the term is held, together with a reasonable sum for his necessary
expenses and stationery. The sum so fixed shall be a charge upon the
county in which the term shall be held, and shall be paid by the county
treasurer upon such certificate from the court fund or the fund from
which jurors are paid.