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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Special deputy appointed by justices of the appellate division in first department
Judiciary (JUD) CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE 8
§ 270. Special deputy appointed by justices of the appellate division
in first department. 1. In the county of New York, the special deputy
clerk assigned by the justices of the appellate division of the first
department to part one of the special term of the supreme court shall be
known as the calendar clerk of special term part one; the special deputy
clerk assigned to part two of the special term shall be known as the ex
parte clerk; the special deputy clerk assigned to part three of the
special term shall be known as special term calendar clerk for trials;
the special deputy clerk assigned to part two of the trial term shall be
known as the trial term calendar clerk. In the county of Bronx, the
special deputy clerk assigned to part one of the trial term shall be
known as the trial term calendar clerk; the special deputy clerk
assigned to part one of the special term shall be known as the special
term calendar clerk. The justices of the appellate division in the first
department shall at pleasure revoke any of such designations or
assignments and make new designations or change the assignments of any
of the special deputy clerks and any of the assistants to special deputy
clerks appointed pursuant to section one hundred and two, as they may
deem necessary.

2. It shall be the duty of each of the said special deputy clerks and
the assistants to attend each session of the part or term of the supreme
court to which he is assigned and keep the minutes thereof and to
perform such other duties therein as shall be prescribed by the rules
made by the justices of the appellate division in said department; such
special deputy clerks and assistants to be subject to the supervision of
the county clerk of the county wherein such special and trial terms are
appointed to be held.

3. The special deputy clerk designated as supreme court jury clerk in
addition to the duties now imposed upon him, shall keep a record of all
the jurors summoned and of the attendance and service of the jurors
empaneled in the various trial terms of the supreme court in said
district, and of all fines imposed upon such jurors and perform such
other duties relating to such jurors or their service, attendance, and
the fines imposed upon them as may be prescribed by the rules made by
the said appellate division in said department.