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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Lost or destroyed seal must be replaced
Judiciary (JUD) CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE 2
§ 30. Lost or destroyed seal must be replaced. When the seal of a
court is so injured, that it can not be conveniently used, the court
must cause it to be destroyed; and when the seal of a court is lost or
destroyed, the court must cause a new seal to be made, similar in all
respects to the former seal, which shall become the seal of the court.
The expense of a new seal for a county clerk, or a local court in a
city, must be paid as part of the contingent expenses of the county or
of the court, as the case requires. The expense of a new seal for any
other court, except a surrogate's court, must be paid from the state

The provisions of this section shall not be applicable in those cases
where special provisions are otherwise made by law.