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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Salary of attendants of courts in Queens, Nassau and Suffolk counties
Judiciary (JUD) CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE 10
§ 348. Salary of attendants of courts in Queens, Nassau and Suffolk
counties. The court attendants appointed for the supreme court in the
county of Queens, pursuant to section one hundred and sixty-eight of
this chapter shall each receive an annual salary to be fixed by the
justice or justices in said section mentioned; and the court attendants
appointed for the county court in said county pursuant to section two
hundred of this chapter shall each receive an annual salary to be fixed
by the county judge of said county and all of such salaries shall be a
county charge; the court attendant appointed for the supreme court in
the counties of Nassau or Suffolk, respectively, pursuant to section one
hundred and sixty-eight of this chapter, shall receive a salary, to be
fixed by the justice or justices appointing him, to be a county charge.