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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Continuance of special proceeding before another officer
Judiciary (JUD) CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE 2
§ 7-c. Continuance of special proceeding before another officer. In
case of the death, sickness, resignation, removal from office, absence
from the county, or other disability of an officer before whom or in
whose court a special proceeding has been instituted, where no express
provision is made by law for the continuance thereof, it may be
continued before or in the court of

1. the officer's successor, or

2. if there is no successor capable of acting, any other officer
residing in the same county before whom it might have been originally
instituted, or

3. if there is neither a successor nor an officer specified in
paragraph two capable of acting, an officer in an adjoining county who
would originally have had jurisdiction of the subject matter had it
occurred or existed in the latter county. An officer substituted, as
prescribed by law, to continue a special proceeding instituted before
another, may exercise all powers in the special proceeding, as if it had
been originally instituted before him.