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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Appointment of clerical and other assistants of appellate division in second department
Judiciary (JUD) CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE 4
§ 95. Appointment of clerical and other assistants of appellate
division in second department. The justices of the appellate division of
the supreme court in the second judicial department, or a majority of
them, are authorized to appoint and at pleasure remove deputy clerks and
other necessary assistants and attendants, and to prescribe the duties
and fix the salaries thereof. Except as provided in the state finance
law, such salaries shall be certified by the presiding justice of such
appellate division to the state comptroller who shall audit the same.
The state department of taxation and finance shall pay such salaries in
equal semi-monthly instalments, and shall apportion the total amount
thereof among the counties comprising the second judicial department.
Such counties shall reimburse the state for such salaries. The time and
method of such apportionment and the time and method of such
reimbursement shall be as specified in section seventy-four of this