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This entry was published on 2025-02-21
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AN ACT in relation to labor, constituting chapter thirty-one of

the consolidated laws.
Became a law March 9, 1921, with the approval of the Governor. Passed,

three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and
Assembly, do enact as follows:


Article 1. Short title; definitions. (§§ 1-4)

2. The department of labor. (§§ 10-44)

3. Administrative and judicial review. (§§ 100-104)

4. Employment of minors. (§§ 130-145)

4-A. Employment and education of child performers.

(§§ 150--154-a)

5. Hours of labor. (§§ 160--170)

6. Payment of wages. (§§ 190--199-a)

7. General provisions. (§§ 200-219-d)

8. Public work. (§§ 220--224-f)

8-A. Grade crossing elimination work; hours, wages, employment

and general requirements. (§§ 225-227)

9. Prevailing wage for building service employees.

(§§ 230--239-a)

10. Building construction, demolition and repair work.

(§§ 240-242)

11. Factories. (§§ 255-316)

12. Fair wages task force. (§§ 330-334)

12-A. Special task force for the apparel industry.

(§§ 340--349-a).

13. Industrial homework. (§§ 350-363)

14. Mercantile and other establishments. (§§ 376-392)

15. Mines and tunnels; quarries; compressed air.

(§§ 400-437)

16. Explosives. (§§ 450-465)

17. Public safety. (§§ 470-475)

18. Unemployment insurance law. (§§ 500-643)

19. Minimum wage act. (§§ 650-665)

19-A. Minimum wage standards and protective labor practices for

farm workers. (§§ 670-683)

19-B. Domestic workers and household employees. (§§ 690-694)

19-C. Representation of child care providers. (§§ 695-a-695-g)

19-D. Minimum wage rates for covered airport workers. (§§


20. New York state labor relations act. (§§ 700-718)

20-A. Labor and management improper practices act.

(§§ 720-732)

20-B. Psychological stress evaluators and employment.

(§§ 733-739)

20-C. Retaliatory action by employers. (§§ 740-741)

21. New York call center jobs act. (§§ 770-776)

21-A. Warehouse worker protection act. (§§ 780-788)

21-B. Protection of call center workers from displacement.

(§§ 790-793).

22. Boards of inquiry in labor disputes. (§§ 800-805)

22-A. Injunctions in labor disputes. (§§ 807-808)

23. Apprenticeship training. (§§ 810-819)

23-A. New York state manpower training act. (§§ 820-823)

23-B. Displaced homemakers act. (§§ 825-831)

24. Worker Adjustment Act. (§§ 835-849)

24*. Comprehensive employment and training act allocation

review board. (§§ 850-852)

24-A. New York state workforce investment act. (§§ 850-853)

25. New York state job retention board. (§§ 856-857)

25-A. New York state worker adjustment and retraining

notification act. (§§ 860--860-i)

25-B. The New York state construction industry fair play act.

(§§ 861--861-g)

25-C. The New York state commercial goods transportation

industry fair play act. (§§ 862--862-e)

26. Safety in skiing. (§§ 865-868)

27. Carnival, fair and amusement park safety.

(§§ 870-a--870-o)

28. Toxic Substances. (§§ 875-883)

29. Training and education program on occupational safety and

health. (§§ 884-887)

30. Asbestos or products containing asbestos; licensing.

(§§ 900-910)

31. New York professional employer act. (§§ 915-924)

32. Licensing of mold inspection, assessment and remediation

specialists and minimum work standards. (§§ 930-948)

33. Elevators and other conveyances; licensing. (§§ 950-957)

34. Certification of public service employment. (§§ 1000-1002)

35. New York youth jobs connector program. (§§ 1005-1008)

36. New York state fashion workers act. (§§ 1030-1039)

40. When to take effect. (§ 1200)