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This entry was published on 2023-07-07
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Administration and services
§ 1005. Administration and services. 1. There is hereby established
within the department a New York youth jobs connector program to connect
unemployed and underemployed individuals between the ages of sixteen and
twenty-four years with targeted educational, occupational, and training
services to help prepare such individuals for employment and improve
opportunities for such individuals to become employed. The New York
youth jobs connector program shall be responsible for facilitating the
coordination and delivery of existing programs and resources throughout
the state which are designed to assist individuals identified in this
article with opportunities for employment, skills development, job
training, and the other related services described in subdivision two of
this section.

2. The department shall coordinate with the office of strategic
workforce development, the department of education, the state university
of New York, the city university of New York, the office of temporary
and disability assistance, the office of children and family services,
the urban development corporation and its subsidiaries, and any other
relevant agency or entity, to carry out the purposes of this article and
leverage existing funds and programs for unemployed and underemployed
youth consistent with the purposes described herein. Services provided
by such programs may include, but are not limited to, high school
equivalency, basic education, job skills training, English-as-a-second
language, job readiness training, job placement services, case
management, career counseling and assessment, pre-apprenticeships and
apprenticeships, pre-vocational skills training, employability planning,
supportive services, proactive outreach to unemployed and underemployed
youths, skills and vocational programs leading to career pathways and
gainful employment, and the development or promulgation of other
resources and programs to assist youths between the ages of sixteen and
twenty-four years, particularly at-risk youths in such category.