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This entry was published on 2023-07-07
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Public outreach
§ 1007. Public outreach. 1. The department shall engage in outreach
efforts to raise awareness about the New York youth jobs connector
program and the services offered thereunder. Such outreach may include,
but not be limited to:

(a) brochures and posters to be distributed to school districts,
boards of cooperative educational services, public libraries, community
colleges, trade schools, agricultural and technical colleges, and other
public institutions of higher education;

(b) use of social media, internet, radio, newspapers, and print

(c) participation in, or organization of program and job fairs;

(d) posting easily accessible hyperlinks to such information on the
department's website;

(e) collaboration with employment agencies or unions; and

(f) recruitment of individuals to serve as visible public ambassadors
to promote the program.

2. The department, in consultation with the office of information
technology services, shall create publicly accessible online surveys to
assess the goals, eligibility, and job readiness of individuals served
by the program to match such individuals with a subset of relevant
programs and services for consideration. Such surveys shall be made
available on the department's website. The department shall also publish
an informational webpage to provide details on the program and outreach
events as well as information on and a hyperlink to the online surveys.