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This entry was published on 2025-02-21
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Registration required
* § 1032. Registration required. 1. Except as otherwise provided in
this section, a model management company or model management group shall
not engage in business in this state or enter into any arrangement with
a client or model for the purpose of providing model management company
or model management group services in this state unless the model
management company or model management group is registered under this
article. A model management company or model management group that does
not comply with the provisions of this article shall not be a registered
model management company or model management group in this state.

2. A model management company or model management group shall be
exempt from the registration requirements specified in this section if
such model management company or model management group:

(a) submits a properly executed request for an exemption from
registration to the department;

(b) is domiciled outside this state and is licensed or registered as a
model management company in another state that has requirements at least
as strict as this article; and

(c) does not maintain an office in this state or solicit in any manner
clients located or domiciled within this state.

* NB Effective June 19, 2026