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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Power of the industrial commissioner to make agreements for federal reimbursement to the state of certain expenses in connection with vet...
§ 21-b. Power of the industrial commissioner to make agreements for
federal reimbursement to the state of certain expenses in connection
with veterans' training. The industrial commissioner is hereby
authorized to enter into agreements with the United States veterans'
administration to reimburse the state for expenses heretofore incurred
or hereafter to be incurred in connection with the administration of the
training of veterans and in the rendition of other services by the state
as provided for under title two of the "Servicemen's Readjustment Act of
1944" as now in force or as it may hereafter be amended, except with
respect to payments by the federal government for tuition, and other
fees and charges incidental thereto, of veterans attending state
educational institutions.