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This entry was published on 2023-05-12
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Job transition plan for certain climate risk-related and energy transition projects
§ 21-f. Job transition plan for certain climate risk-related and
energy transition projects. 1. The commissioner, in consultation with
labor organizations, shall develop a comprehensive plan to transition,
train, or retrain employees that are impacted by climate risk-related
and energy transition projects funded from the New York climate action
fund climate investment account established pursuant to section
ninety-nine-qq of the state finance law. This plan shall include a
method of allowing displaced and transitioning workers, including
affected labor organizations, to notify the commissioner of the loss of
employment, their previous title, and previous wage rates including
whether they previously received medical benefits, retirement benefits,
and/or other benefits. The plan shall require employers to notify the
commissioner of workers laid off or discharged due to climate
risk-related and energy transition projects funded from the New York
climate action fund climate investment account established pursuant to
section ninety-nine-qq of the state finance law.

2. Funding shall be made available for worker transition and
retraining, which shall include funding as provided by subdivision
twenty-seven-d of section one thousand five of the public authorities

3. The commissioner shall create a program pursuant to which, where
applicable and feasible, newly created job opportunities shall be
offered to a pool of transitioning workers who have lost their
employment or will be losing their employment in the energy sector due
to climate risk-related and energy transition projects funded from the
New York climate action fund climate investment account established
pursuant to section ninety-nine-qq of the state finance law. Such
program shall include a method for the commissioner to communicate names
and contact information for displaced or transitioning workers to public
entities that may have job opportunities for such workers every ninety