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This entry was published on 2024-05-03
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* § 603. Definitions. For purposes of this title: "Total unemployment"
shall mean the total lack of any employment on any day, other than with
an employer applying for a shared work program. "Work force" shall mean
the total work force, a clearly identifiable unit or units thereof, or a
particular shift or shifts. The work force subject to reduction shall
consist of no less than two employees.

* NB Effective until the first Monday after October 1, 2024 or 30 days
after the commissioner of labor certifies that the department of labor
has an information technology system capable of accommodating the
amendments in chapter 277 of 2021, whichever occurs earlier (see chapter
56 of 2024 Pt.Z-§1 for further provisions)

* § 603. Definitions. For purposes of this title: "Total unemployment"
shall mean the total lack of any employment during any week and "partial
unemployment" shall mean any employment during any week that is less
than full-time employment so long as the compensation paid is less than
the claimant's weekly benefit rate plus the claimant's partial benefit
credit, other than with an employer applying for a shared work program.
"Work force" shall mean the total work force, a clearly identifiable
unit or units thereof, or a particular shift or shifts. The work force
subject to reduction shall consist of no less than two employees.

* NB Effective on the first Monday after October 1, 2024 or 30 days
after the commissioner of labor certifies that the department of labor
has an information technology system capable of accommodating the
amendments in chapter 277 of 2021, whichever occurs earlier (see chapter
56 of 2024 Pt.Z-§1 for further provisions)