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This entry was published on 2025-02-21
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No conflict with collective bargaining agreements
§ 793. No conflict with collective bargaining agreements. The
provisions of this article shall not apply to any:

1. Successor call center contractor that, on or before the effective
date of a termination of a call center contract, agrees to assume, or to
be bound by, the collective bargaining agreement of the former call
center contractor, provided that the collective bargaining agreement
provides terms and conditions for the discharge or laying off of
employees that are at least as protective of employee rights as those
pursuant to this article; and

2. Successor call center contractor whose call center employees will
be accreted to a bargaining unit with a pre-existing collective
bargaining agreement, provided that the collective bargaining agreement
provides terms and conditions for the discharge or laying off of
employees that are at least as protective of employee rights as those
pursuant to this article; and

3. Former call center contractor that obtains a written commitment
from a successor call center contractor that the successor call center
contractor's call center employees will be covered by a collective
bargaining agreement that provides terms and conditions for the
discharge or laying off of employees that are at least as protective of
employee rights as those pursuant to this article.