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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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ยง 862-a. Definitions. As used in this article:

1. "Commercial goods transportation contractor" means any sole
proprietor, partnership, firm, corporation, limited liability company,
association or other legal entity that compensates a driver who
possesses a state-issued driver's license, transports goods in the state
of New York and operates a commercial motor vehicle as defined in
subdivision four-a of section two of the transportation law.

2. "Commercial goods transportation contractor" includes a general
commercial goods transportation contractor or a commercial goods
transportation subcontractor.

3. "Commercial goods transportation services" means the transportation
of goods for compensation by a driver who possesses a state-issued
driver's license, transports goods in the state of New York, and
operates a commercial motor vehicle as defined in subdivision four-a of
section two of the transportation law.

4. "Department" means the department of labor.

5. "Commissioner" means the commissioner of labor.

6. "Employer" means any commercial goods transportation contractor
which compensates a person classified as an employee under section eight
hundred sixty-two-b of this article.