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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Issuance of permit
§ 870-d. Issuance of permit. No amusement device, viewing stand or
tent may be operated in the state without a permit issued by the
commissioner except as provided in section eight hundred seventy-m of
this article. Such permits are not transferable and if any permit
holder voluntarily discontinues operation of the amusement device,
viewing stand or tent, all rights secured under the permit are

1. Before commencement of the operation of a permanent or temporary
device, viewing stand or tent, the owner or lessee shall make written
application to the commissioner for a permit to operate, which shall be
accompanied by an annual non-refundable fee of one hundred dollars for
each amusement ride device. The permit shall be valid for a period of
one year.

2. No temporary device, viewing stand or tent shall be used at any
time or location unless prior notice of intent to use same has been
given to the commissioner. Notice of planned schedules shall (a) be in
writing, (b) identify the temporary device, viewing stand or tent, (c)
state the intended dates and locations of use, (d) be mailed to the
commissioner at least fifteen days before the first intended date of

3. A permit to operate shall be issued to the owner or lessee of an
amusement device, viewing stand or tent when:

(a) written application has been made to the commissioner;

(b) the amusement device, viewing stand or tent has passed all
required inspections; and

(c) the liability insurance or bond required by section eight hundred
seventy-f of this article has been met in the amount prescribed.

4. The commissioner may revoke any permit issued pursuant to this
article if it is determined that an amusement device, viewing stand or
tent is:

(a) being used or operated without the inspections required by section
eight hundred seventy-e of this article; or

(b) being used or operated without the insurance or other security
required by section eight hundred seventy-f of this article; or

(c) being used or operated with a mechanical, structural or design
defect which presents an excessive risk of serious injury to passengers
or members of the public.

5. Any other violation of this article may result in a revocation,
provided that written notice of non-compliance is served upon the owner
specifying any violation of this article and directing the owner to
correct such violations within thirty days of receipt of such notice.

6. Nothing herein shall prevent an owner whose permit to operate an
amusement device, viewing stand or tent has been revoked pursuant to
this section from reapplying for a permit in accordance with this