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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Civil penalties
§ 870-j. Civil penalties. 1. Any person who knowingly and willfully
operates an amusement device, viewing stand or tent without any of the

(a) the permit required by section eight hundred seventy-d of this
article; or

(b) the inspections required by section eight hundred seventy-e of
this article; or

(c) the insurance or other security required by section eight hundred
seventy-f of this article shall be subject to a civil penalty of not
less than two thousand dollars, nor more than four thousand dollars, for
each day the violation continues.

2. Any person who operates an amusement device, viewing stand or tent
without any of the following:

(a) the permit required by section eight hundred seventy-d of this
article; or

(b) the inspections required by section eight hundred seventy-e of
this article; or

(c) the insurance or other security required by section eight hundred
seventy-f of this article shall be subject to a civil penalty of not
less than two thousand dollars, nor more than four thousand dollars.

3. The commissioner, in assessing penalties under subdivision one of
this section, shall give due consideration to the appropriateness of the
penalty with respect to the size of the owner's or lessee's business,
the good faith of the owner or lessee and his history of previous

4. Any operator of an amusement device who has been subject to a civil
penalty imposed pursuant to this section relating to the operation of
such amusement device on two or more occasions within any five year
period of time shall not operate the amusement device in this state, and
such device shall be taken out of service as soon as practicable. When
an amusement device is taken out of service pursuant to this
subdivision, the operator of such device shall sign an affidavit, in a
form approved by the commissioner, that the amusement device was taken
out of service and will remain out of service until such time as the
commissioner determines that the amusement device meets all safety
requirements established pursuant to this article. Any operator of an
amusement device, which is sworn to have been taken out of service, who
operates or allows to be operated such device, in violation of the
operator's affidavit, shall be subject to a fine of ten thousand