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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Representation of certain legislative committees during revision of the budget
Legislative (LEG) CHAPTER 32, ARTICLE 2
§ 32. Representation of certain legislative committees during revision
of the budget. The chairman of the finance committee of the senate and
the chairman of the ways and means committee of the assembly and the
ranking minority members of each of such committees shall be notified
of, and they and/or their representatives shall attend, the hearings on
the estimates for the budget and revision thereof made pursuant to
section one of article seven of the constitution, and they shall be
permitted to make inquiry with respect to such estimates and revision,
including all items thereof and all matters and facts relevant thereto.
Such inquiry shall be conducted subject to such reasonable regulation as
may be prescribed by the governor with a view to facilitating the
inquiry without unnecessary delay in the investigation and revision by
the governor.