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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Debt statements
Local Finance (LFN) CHAPTER 33-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 1-A
§ 15.30 Debt statements. a. The state comptroller, in the performance
of his duties pursuant to section 141.00 of this chapter, shall cause
debt statements of municipal corporations and municipalities to be
prepared in such manner as will reflect (1) the gross amounts of any
several indebtedness and joint indebtedness contracted or incurred by a
participating municipal corporation or municipality in relation to a
joint service or joint water, sewage or drainage project, (2) the
amounts of any such several indebtedness, and the amounts of any such
joint indebtedness allocated and apportioned to any participating
municipal corporation or municipality, which are to be included as gross
indebtedness in a debt statement prepared in accordance with the
provisions of title ten of article two of this chapter, and (3) the
amounts of any such several indebtedness or joint indebtedness which
under or pursuant to any provision of this chapter may be excluded in
ascertaining the debt-contracting margin of the participating municipal
corporation or municipality.

b. The provisions of section 109.00 and of title ten of article two of
this chapter which are consistent with the provisions of title one-A of
such article shall be applicable in relation to the debt statements of a
municipal corporation or municipality which is a participant in a joint
service or joint water, sewage or drainage project.