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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Notice to creditors
Local Finance (LFN) CHAPTER 33-A, ARTICLE 2, TITLE 6-A
§ 85.70 Notice to creditors. Upon the filing of a petition pursuant
to section 85.30 of this title, or of a repayment plan or amendment or
modification thereof pursuant to section 85.40 or 85.60 of this title,
or upon the application for, or the entry of, any order extending,
vacating or modifying a stay pursuant to this title, prompt and
appropriate notice thereof and of any hearing in connection therewith
shall be given, at the expense of the municipality, to all creditors of
the municipality affected thereby in such form and manner, including by
mail or publication or both, as the court may find to be practicable and
appropriate in the circumstances. Notice of any other event or
proceeding shall be given as the court may direct, to such persons, in
such form and manner and with such provision for the payment of the
expenses thereof as the court may find to be practicable and appropriate
in the circumstances.