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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Lien of certain judgments postponed
ยง 28. Lien of certain judgments postponed. Upon the filing of the
written instrument or instruments of approval under section twenty-six
of this article, the lien of all money judgments and attachments
affecting such real property, or the moneys due under a contract, and
all claims and liens acquired in any proceedings upon any money
judgment, shall be subordinate in like manner and to like extent as
provided in said section for the subordination of mechanics' liens, and
any attachment issued or money judgment recovered upon a claim, which,
in whole or in part, was not for materials furnished, labor performed or
moneys advanced for the improvement of such real property or for the
public improvement, shall be subordinate to all mechanics' liens thereon
and shall also be subordinate to all judgments recovered upon and
attachments issued upon claims for materials furnished, labor performed
or moneys advanced for the improvement of such real property.