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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Mechanic's lien on real property
§ 3. Mechanic's lien on real property. A contractor, subcontractor,
laborer, materialman, landscape gardener, nurseryman or person or
corporation selling fruit or ornamental trees, roses, shrubbery, vines
and small fruits, who performs labor or furnishes materials for the
improvement of real property with the consent or at the request of the
owner thereof, or of his agent, contractor or subcontractor, and any
trust fund to which benefits and wage supplements are due or payable for
the benefit of such laborers, shall have a lien for the principal and
interest, of the value, or the agreed price, of such labor, including
benefits and wage supplements due or payable for the benefit of any
laborer, or materials upon the real property improved or to be improved
and upon such improvement, from the time of filing a notice of such lien
as prescribed in this chapter. Where the contract for an improvement is
made with a husband or wife and the property belongs to the other or
both, the husband or wife contracting shall also be presumed to be the
agent of the other, unless such other having knowledge of the
improvement shall, within ten days after learning of the contract give
the contractor written notice of his or her refusal to consent to the
improvement. Within the meaning of the provisions of this chapter,
materials actually manufactured for but not delivered to the real
property, shall also be deemed to be materials furnished.