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Lost and Strayed Animals 115/1894 (LSA) CHAPTER 115
§ 8. The department of health and mental hygiene of such city is
hereby empowered and authorized to carry out the provisions of this act,
and such department is further authorized to issue and renew licenses,
and to collect the fees set forth in this act or otherwise established
as prescribed in this act. Such fees, excluding the additional fees
charged for licenses to be issued or renewed for unsterilized dogs
pursuant to subdivision three of section two of this act and the amounts
specified in subdivision eight of section two of this act, shall be used
to defray such city's cost of carrying out the provisions of this act,
establishing, maintaining, or funding shelters for lost, strayed or
homeless animals, and providing or funding public education regarding
responsible animal care and dog licensing requirements.
hereby empowered and authorized to carry out the provisions of this act,
and such department is further authorized to issue and renew licenses,
and to collect the fees set forth in this act or otherwise established
as prescribed in this act. Such fees, excluding the additional fees
charged for licenses to be issued or renewed for unsterilized dogs
pursuant to subdivision three of section two of this act and the amounts
specified in subdivision eight of section two of this act, shall be used
to defray such city's cost of carrying out the provisions of this act,
establishing, maintaining, or funding shelters for lost, strayed or
homeless animals, and providing or funding public education regarding
responsible animal care and dog licensing requirements.