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Application of article seven and other provisions to tenements
Multiple Dwelling (MDW) CHAPTER 61-A, ARTICLE 7
§ 210. Application of article seven and other provisions to tenements.
Except as provided in section two hundred forty-eight, the provisions of
this article shall apply only to tenements, as defined in subdivision
eleven of section four, occupied as such before April eighteenth,
nineteen hundred twenty-nine. Unless in this article otherwise
specifically prescribed, none of its provisions shall be deemed to
require any structural alteration in any tenement erected after April
eleventh, nineteen hundred one and lawfully occupied as such on April
eighteenth, nineteen hundred twenty-nine. Nothing in this article shall
apply to converted dwellings. In addition to the provisions of this
article, the following enumerated articles and sections shall, to the
extent required therein, apply to tenements:
Article 1. Introductory provisions; definitions

2. Miscellaneous application provisions

7-a. Temporary provisions

8. Requirements and remedies

9. Registry of names and service of papers

10. Prostitution

11. Laws repealed; saving clause; legislative intent; effect
Sec. 28. Two or more buildings on same lot

29. Painting of courts and shafts

31. Size of rooms--subdivision six

33. Cooking spaces

34. Rooms in basements and cellars

35. Entrance doors and lights

37. Artificial hall lighting

51. Shafts, elevators and dumbwaiters

52. Stairs

53. Fire-escapes

55. Wainscoting

56. Frame buildings and extensions

57. Bells; mail receptacles

58. Incombustible materials

59. Bakeries and fat boiling

60. Motor vehicle storage

61. Business uses

62. Parapets, guard railings and wires--subdivision two

75. Water supply

76. Water-closet and bath accommodations

77. Plumbing and drainage

78. Repairs

79. Heating

80. Cleanliness

81. Receptacles for waste matter

83. Janitor or housekeeper