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This entry was published on 2024-04-26
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Multiple Dwelling (MDW) CHAPTER 61-A, ARTICLE 7-D
§ 288. Definitions. As used in this article, the following terms shall
have the following meanings:

1. The term "community district" shall refer to a community district
as established pursuant to chapter sixty-nine of the New York city

2. The term "inhabited basement dwelling unit" means a basement
unlawfully occupied as a residence by one or more tenants on or prior to
the effective date of this article, provided that such inhabited
basement dwelling unit is located in any of the community districts
specified in subdivision four of section two hundred eighty-nine of this

3. The term "inhabited cellar dwelling unit" means a cellar unlawfully
occupied as a residence by one or more tenants on or prior to the
effective date of this article, provided that such inhabited cellar
dwelling unit is located in any of the community districts specified in
subdivision four of section two hundred eighty-nine of this article;

4. The term "rented" means leased, let, or hired out, with or without
a written agreement; and

5. The term "tenant" means an individual to whom an inhabited basement
dwelling unit or an inhabited cellar dwelling unit is rented.