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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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Artificial hall lighting
Multiple Dwelling (MDW) CHAPTER 61-A, ARTICLE 3, TITLE 1
§ 37. Artificial hall lighting. 1. In every multiple dwelling the
owner shall provide a light or lights, each of at least sixty watts
incandescent or twenty watts cool white fluorescent or equivalent
illumination, for every vestibule and entrance hall in every public
hall, stair, fire-stair and fire-tower on every floor. Said light or
lights shall be located as prescribed by the department, but, in every
stair, fire-stair or fire-tower, shall be so located that every part
thereof shall be lighted.

2. Except as provided in subdivision three, every such light shall be
turned on by the owner at sunset every day and shall not be turned off
by the owner until the following sunrise. Every such light shall be kept
burning daily from sunset until sunrise, but if it becomes extinguished
and remains so without the knowledge or consent of the owner he shall
not be liable. The burden shall be upon the owner to show that the light
became and remained extinguished without his knowledge or consent.

3. Every light in every fire-stair and fire-tower at every story, and
in every stair and public hall at every story where there is no window
opening to the outer air, shall be kept burning continuously except that
this provision shall not apply to public halls lighted as provided in
subdivision eleven of section two hundred seventeen.

4. When the natural light in any public hall in a multiple dwelling is
not sufficient to permit a person to read the names on a mail box or
other receptacle for mail, the owner shall install a lighting fixture
directly over such mail box or receptacle and maintain it in serviceable
condition, so that a light may be turned on at any time for the
convenience of tenants or the mail carrier.