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Sheltered workshops, work activity and day training services
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE C, ARTICLE 13
§ 13.24 Sheltered workshops, work activity and day training services.

1. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the
following meanings.

a. "Sheltered workshops" means a program operated for the purpose of
providing sheltered employment to persons with developmental

b. "Work activity and day training services" means pre-vocational
activities defined by regulation of the commissioner designed to enhance
the ability of a person with a developmental disability to receive
vocational rehabilitation services.

2. The commissioner shall develop methods to fund by agreement the
reasonably related cost of services, subject to the approval of the
director of the budget, provided in sheltered workshops, work activity
and day training services. The commissioner shall determine those
facilities and agencies providing such services and shall describe
characteristics of clients receiving such services. The commissioner
shall determine methods of improving the current financing system for
such services.

3. The methods of improving the current financing system shall
include, but not be limited to, the following:

a. Provision of equitable funding to all individuals with
developmental disabilities which is not dependent upon prior residence
in facilities of the office.

b. Establishment of systems of provider accountability for units of
service rendered in return for payments made and development of an
advanced payment mechanism.

c. Recommendation of rules, regulations and standards for the payment
for provision of services.

4. The commissioner shall report to the legislature on the progress of
determining methods of improving the current financing system on or
before April first, nineteen hundred eighty-two.