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This entry was published on 2018-10-12
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First responder training
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE C, ARTICLE 13
* § 13.43 First responder training.

(a) The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioner of health,
the office of fire prevention and control, the municipal police training
council, and the superintendent of state police, shall develop a
training program and associated training materials, to provide
instruction and information to firefighters, police officers and
emergency medical services personnel on appropriate recognition and
response techniques for handling emergency situations involving
individuals with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental
disabilities. The training program and associated training materials
shall include any other information deemed necessary and appropriate by
the commissioner.

(b) Such training shall address appropriate response techniques for
dealing with both adults and minors with autism spectrum disorder and
other developmental disabilities.

(c) Such training program may be developed as an online program.

* NB There are 2 § 13.43's