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This entry was published on 2014-09-22
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State conference of local mental hygiene directors
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE E, ARTICLE 41
§ 41.10 State conference of local mental hygiene directors.

(a) There is hereby created the New York state conference of local
mental hygiene directors, hereinafter referred to as the conference.

(b) The conference shall be composed of all the directors of community
services as defined in this chapter.

(c) The conference shall meet twice a year, or when called by the
chairman, provided ten days' notice is given.

(d) The conference shall elect bi-annually, from among its members, a
chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and treasurer who shall serve for
two-year terms. An executive committee composed of, but not limited to,
the above named officials shall be responsible for the convening of
meetings, recording and distribution of minutes, and other
administrative functions.

(e) The conference shall have the power to adopt, amend or repeal
by-laws relating to its business and the conduct of its affairs.

(f) The conference shall have the following powers:

1. To review and comment upon rules or regulations proposed by any of
the offices of the department for the operation of local service plans
and programs. Comments on rules or regulations approved by the
conference shall be given to the appropriate commissioner or
commissioners for review and consideration; and

2. To propose rules or regulations governing the operation of the
local services programs, and to forward such proposed rules or
regulations to the appropriate commissioner or commissioners for review
and consideration.

(g) The chairman of the conference may appoint, for the purpose of
advising the commissioners, such other committees of the conference as
he may from time to time deem necessary.