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Duties of directors of assisted outpatient treatment programs
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE B, ARTICLE 9
* § 9.48 Duties of directors of assisted outpatient treatment programs.

(a)(1) Directors of assisted outpatient treatment programs established
pursuant to section 9.60 of this article shall provide a written report
to the program coordinators, appointed by the commissioner of mental
health pursuant to subdivision (f) of section 7.17 of this chapter,
within three days of the issuance of a court order. The report shall
demonstrate that mechanisms are in place to ensure the delivery of
services and medications as required by the court order and shall
include, but not be limited to the following:

(i) a copy of the court order;

(ii) a copy of the written treatment plan;

(iii) the identity of the case manager or assertive community
treatment team, including the name and contact data of the organization
which the case manager or assertive community treatment team member

(iv) the identity of providers of services; and

(v) the date on which services have commenced or will commence.

(2) The directors of assisted outpatient treatment programs shall
ensure the timely delivery of services described in paragraph one of
subdivision (a) of section 9.60 of this article pursuant to any court
order issued under such section. Directors of assisted outpatient
treatment programs shall immediately commence corrective action upon
receiving notice from program coordinators, that services are not being
provided in a timely manner. Such directors shall inform the program
coordinator of such corrective action.

(b) Directors of assisted outpatient treatment programs shall submit
quarterly reports to the program coordinators regarding the assisted
outpatient treatment program operated or administered by such director.
The report shall include the following information:

(i) the names of individuals served by the program;

(ii) the percentage of petitions for assisted outpatient treatment
that are granted by the court;

(iii) any change in status of assisted outpatients, including but not
limited to the number of individuals who have failed to comply with
court ordered assisted outpatient treatment;

(iv) a description of material changes in written treatment plans of
assisted outpatients;

(v) any change in case managers;

(vi) a description of the categories of services which have been
ordered by the court;

(vii) living arrangements of individuals served by the program
including the number, if any, who are homeless;

(viii) any other information as required by the commissioner of mental
health; and

(ix) any recommendations to improve the program locally or statewide.

(c) Directors of assisted outpatient treatment programs providing
services described in paragraph one of subdivision (a) of section 9.60
of this article pursuant to any court order issued under such section
shall evaluate the need for ongoing assisted outpatient treatment
pursuant to subdivision (k) of section 9.60 of this article prior to the
expiration of any assisted outpatient treatment order; and shall notify
the director of community services of the new county of residence when
he or she has reason to believe that an assisted outpatient has or will
change his or her county of residence during the pendency of an assisted
outpatient treatment order. Upon such change of residence, the director
of the new county of residence shall become the appropriate director, as
such term is defined in section 9.60 of this article.

* NB Repealed June 30, 2027