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This entry was published on 2022-04-22
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Transportation of persons to or between hospitals
Mental Hygiene (MHY) CHAPTER 27, TITLE B, ARTICLE 9
* § 9.63 Transportation of persons to or between hospitals.

In carrying out the transportation of any person to or between a
hospital, including a comprehensive psychiatric emergency program,
pursuant to the provisions of this article appropriate attempts shall be
made to elicit the cooperation of the person to be transported, prior to
resorting to compulsory means of transportation.

* NB Effective until June 30, 2027
* § 9.61 Transportation of persons to or between hospitals.

In carrying out the transportation of any person to or between a
hospital, including a comprehensive psychiatric emergency program,
pursuant to the provisions of this article appropriate attempts shall be
made to elicit the cooperation of the person to be transported, prior to
resorting to compulsory means of transportation.

* NB Effective June 30, 2027